
What is Mini Handball?

So, you may have just landed here and are wondering ‘What even is Mini Handball?’ Or you may already know and love the sport and are looking to get your child involved. Either way, we hope that you like what you find.

The game of Mini Handball was adapted from the full 7 a side game and is embedded throughout the world as the perfect introduction to Handball. As the fastest growing sport in the UK, our aim is to make handball fully accessible at a grassroots level and provide children of all ages the opportunity to play!

‘5-a-side football with your hands’

Think 5-a-side football with your hands, think water polo without the water, think fast and furious action packed team sport with nonstop goals!

Quite simply, Mini Handball is an all inclusive adaptation of a team game that promotes fair play, fun and physical literacy.

Its simple rules allow for a fast paced game with lots of goals and opportunities for every child to develop.

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The history of handball

Handball has a long history dating back, with links back to Ancient Greece. The game of handball as we now know it, was created in 1917 with the first games being played in Berlin and then on throughout Scandiavia. At the 1936 Summer Olympics, Men’s Field Handball was played for the first time and saw teams of 11 aside playing outdoors on a grass pitch of similar size to  a football pitch.

Throughout the next four decades, handball grew rapidly in popularity and saw the Scandinavians adapt to a 7 a side indoor version. In 1972  a new version of the game emerged at the Summer Olympics known as ‘Team Handball’. Four years later, Women’s Team Handball was added to the Montreal Olympics.

The International Handball Federation (IHF) was created in 1938, and until 1966, hosted both Field Handball (11a side) and Indoor Team Handball (7 a side) in the World Championships. Field Handball was finally fully replaced by the Indoor version that is still played today.

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"We’ve been looking for a new sport for our daughter to try and only wish we’d found it when we were kids! It’s so much fun, and seeing Elise’s confidence grow as she makes new friends is something pretty special.

Peter Shaw

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